Writing College Essays Grades 9-12
In Partnership with the National Writers Series
Service Description
~Writing College Essays, In Partnership with the National Writers Series ~ Creative Nonfiction: Driving Questions, Discoveries & Authentic Voices The thought of writing a college-level essay can feel intimidating, overwhelming and exhausting. After all, you’ve spent years learning how to craft reports, arguments and reflections, and now perhaps you’re wondering, ‘What will college writing bring? What will my professors expect? Am I ready? Writing is so hard…’ In my work as an instructor in the English Department at the University of Michigan, as well as a published nonfiction writer, I have come to believe that voice and a genuine desire for discovery are the true keys to successful essays (in college, and well beyond). This 3-session class will explore some of the basics of college-level writing, along with some useful insights to help you craft unique, authentic and attention-grabbing college admissions essays, cover letters, emails, introductions... you name it. All current high school students with a desire to strengthen their voices, speak truthfully to their experiences or learn to better engage a reader’s attention are welcome! Finally, this class is designed help you feel greater confidence in your writing, and its ability to help you open doors towards the future you want. * The instructor will select the top essays written during the workshop for June publication in the NWS Literary Journal. Here is a brief overview of the course: Class 1: We will explore the fundamentals of college writing. You’ll learn what your professors may be looking for in your work, and how you can confidently dive into college writing assignments and admissions essays while strengthening your unique presence on the page. Class 2: We will discuss handout readings together, as well as do some in-class writing. The goal is to help you discover your ‘authentic voice’ (you’ll learn what this means, and how important it is!), and how to avoid some of the pitfalls I most often see first-year college writing students make. Class 3: Informal workshopping! This is something my University of Michigan students always tell me is one of their favorite parts of our class. During workshops, you’ll learn how to give thoughtful feedback on the writing of others as you identify your own strengths and gifts (and, I promise, every writer has them)!

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